Legal Disclaimer
Welcome to So ScentiMentle Boutique! Our Terms & Conditions are designed to govern the activities of our website visitors and customers. It is important to understand that our Terms & Conditions are meant to establish a legal relationship between our visitors and us as the website owner.
Understanding Terms & Conditions
Our Terms & Conditions are tailored to the specific needs and nature of our website. As a unique ladies fashion boutique specializing in clothing, jewellery, and accessories, our T&C are crafted to provide legal boundaries governing the activities of our visitors and customers while they engage with our website. They also enable us to protect ourselves from potential legal exposure.
Key Inclusions in Our T&C Document
Our Terms & Conditions are carefully drafted to reflect the specific terms established between So ScentiMentle Boutique and our valued customers and visitors. It is important to note that our T&C are not legal advice, and we recommend seeking legal counsel to ensure a comprehensive understanding and assistance in the creation of your own Terms & Conditions.